Competitive Price Analysis Tool

Analyze Prices in Real Time

Datasembly provides CPGs and brands with tools to observe product prices across the retail marketplace in real time, with store-level detail.

Make competitive price analysis more effective with the most comprehensive real time pricing platform and data feeds available.

"The best competitive intelligence data we've ever seen."

- Revenue Growth Director, Top 10 CPG

Datasembly Competitive Price Analysis Dashboard

Use Datasembly to...

store-level pricing map

Hone in on key markets & locations

Create pricing intelligence based on any geographical criteria to ensure you're driving revenue efficiently at every locale.

The Datasembly platform allows you to conduct competitive price analyses by any product(s), banner(s), region, state, metro, or individual store. Enhance your pricing strategy by listening and reacting to unique market changes within key locations.

Access real-time pricing metrics

Use Datasembly's platform or data feed to observe and track any number of product pricing metrics in real time.

Take the guesswork out of your competitive pricing strategy, with access to real time and historical data on nearly every retail product on the market. With the Datasembly platform, you'll have greater flexibility, accuracy, and speed in every pricing analysis.

CPG price analysis metrics dashboard

Compare products side-by-side

Locate individual products within the marketplace and perform a side-by-side price analysis.

The Datasembly platform allows you to quickly and easily compare two or more products. With access to pricing, assortment, promotional, and availability insights, you can position and price your products more competitively than ever before.

Share insights, set alerts, & more

Datasembly pricing data provides 100% transparency and immediately actionable insights.

With Datasembly, you can set price alerts with a high level of granularity, and chat with our experts at any time. Plus, thanks to our advanced technology, you can share your market data with external partners. Fuel better pricing strategies, and drive more efficient execution through easier communications with retailers.

Datasembly Price Intelligence Alerts Window

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Let’s get started.

Real time, hyper-local product data that will revolutionize your go-to-market strategy.