CPG & REtail Insights

Digital Coupon Intelligence

Access the most holistic, detailed, and timely digital coupon intelligence on the market. Get full channel visibility with UPC-level insight into owned and competitive offers.

Take the guesswork out of your digital coupon strategy, with geo-specific, UPC-level data. Track competitor offers, react faster, and plan easier.

"Getting product-level coupon data saved us tons of manual effort."

- RGM, Fortune 500 CPG

Digital Coupon Intelligence Data from Datasembly

How It Works...

Our Digital Coupon Intelligence collects coupon data such as eligible UPCs/SKUs, prices, locations, offer text, and more from thousands of retailer savings pages. This information is then enriched with additional data from our collection, and made accessible in near-real time via data feed or our user-friendly enterprise application.





UPC-Level Detail

ties offers to their eligible products
Digital Coupon Intelligence Charts

The data your digital campaigns have been missing.

Datasembly's digital coupon analytics is the only dataset that can provide offer-focused metrics with UPCs/SKUs baked in.

Bringing UPC/SKU detail directly into your coupon dataset drastically decreases the time and resources you need to extract meaningful insights. And because our coupon data is collected in near-real time and enriched with product data from across the marketplace, your intell is holistic and actionable right out of the gate.

Track competitor digital coupons icon

Monitor Competitor Digital Coupons

Identify the exact products, offer texts, durations, depths of discount, and geographies of your competitors’ digital coupons in near-real time. Use this data to plan promotions with greater accuracy, and react faster to the marketplace.

Find Price Gaps Digital Coupon Icon

Diagnose Price Gaps & Share Shifts

Digital coupons don’t impact ring up prices, creating major blind spots in syndicated reports. Only with Datasembly’s digital coupon analytics can you see the full extent of price gaps and true drivers of market share shifts.

Measure Coupon Success Icon

Track Execution & Measure Success

With near-real time insight, you can keep a closer watch on your digital coupon implementations, making adjustments as needed. And when campaigns are over, you’ll have highly-detailed performance data to help you plan the next one.

Track competitive digital coupons icon

Track Digital Coupons Across Competitors

Fine-tune your promotions by monitoring your competitors' digital coupons, with with timely, location-specific data. Access critical coupon metrics including UPC/SKUs, geographies, depth of discount, offer text, duration, and more.

Fair share of coupons handshake icon

Ensure Fair Share of Coupon Activity

With access to digital coupon insights across competing retailers, you’ll know the exact offers your competitors are receiving from manufacturers. Use this data to ensure you aren't missing out on coupon opportunities.

calculate net down pricing icon

Calculate Ultimate Customer Value

Datasembly is unique in that our collection includes the eligible UPCs/SKUs of each digital coupon. Combining this with other pricing and sales data allows you calculate total net down pricing and identify your ultimate customer value.

Wall Street Journal Logo USA Today Logo Newsweek Logo NBC Logo Fortune Logo TC Logo

Custom Insights via Live Demo

Get a guided tour of the Digital Coupon Intelligence Platform, where we'll show you how everything works using a customized competitive data set of your choice.

…at the end of the day what Datasembly has to offer are truly actionable insights that allow CPGs and Retailers to run their businesses better.

VP Customer Sales

American Multinational in Consumer Care

Let’s get started.

Real time, hyper-local product data that will revolutionize your go-to-market strategy.