Datasembly’s full-category retail data collection includes over a billion product data points every day, and is made instantly available to our partners through our app or via export.
Datasembly’s real-time retail data collection platform translates massive amounts of product data into customized pricing and availability data feeds. Data is collected in near-real time, so you can discover market trends quickly and gain an immediate competitive advantage.
Datasembly marketplace data is collected from publicly available sources, giving you the unique ability to share any of your insights with unprecedented transparency. You can now create a higher level of discussion between your partners, suppliers, and customers.
Our store-level data collection includes even the most disparate retail data, including private label insights, promotional offer texts, variable weight PLU pricing, and much more from a growing array of retailers and delivery platforms. We even have a solution built just for digital coupon analytics:
Gain the marketplace insight needed to make real-life decisions smarter and faster. Reduce inefficient trade spend, track new product introductions, improve store assortment visibility and monitor competitive products and prices using shareable, hyper-local data.
Easy to use, insight-rich, enterprise application that delivers comprehensive market analysis as well as previously undetectable real-time store-level product detail. Full week-to-week marketplace summary or customized for just the banners and products you're looking for.
Access billions of pricing, promotion, and assortment observations through api-powered exports. Pre-configured for simple file transfers or further enabled through robust Snowflake integrations. Combine with your own enterprise data to power new growth strategies.
CPGs: Make fast, confident, precise business decisions using Datasembly's uniquely shareable data collection, and increase revenue with dynamic market intelligence.
Retailers: Keep a closer eye on KVIs than ever before, consistently monitoring prices and assortments in your immediate competitive arena using hyper-local, real time data.